Committee for Disability Inclusion Grant Application Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Grant Proposals must be postmarked/emailed on or before March 1 For more information on the grant application process, as well as detailed instructions, please visit the Kids Fund website's Grant Info page. The goal of this grant has changed from previous years. It now focuses on the inclusion of children and youth with disabilities into community experiences and programs that all children can enjoy. If your organization would like additional information about how to build inclusive programs that align with the Kids Fund goal of inclusive programming, please contact the Committee Chair, Joanne Grassman at or contact the Wisconsin Board for People with Disabilities at 608.266.7826. IDENTIFYING INFORMATIONName of Organization: *Have you received funding in the past 3 years? *YesNoIf YES, please tell us of the most recent funding year and from which committee or committees:Child & Family Development CommitteeCommittee for Disability Inclusion (formerly DD) CommitteeYouth Development CommitteeHow much funding did you receive and from which committee if more than one?Write a summary of the impact The Cap Times Kids Fund helped your agency achieve for the project. If you were unable to complete the proposed project as planned, please share what was substituted and its impact. (summary should be no more than a paragraph)Child & Family Development Committee Amount:Committee for Disability Inclusion (formerly DD Committee) Amount:Youth Development Committee Amount:Date: *Contact Name: *FirstLastAddress (Street/Number/PO Box, City, State, Zip): *If funded - who is the check payable to if different from organization nameStreet/Number/PO Box, City, State, Zip:Telephone: *Email: *Fax:Is your organization tax exempt under IRS 501(c)(3)? *YesNoUpload a copy of the IRS determination letter: Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a copy of the IRS determination letter indicating your organization's tax exempt status.Tax Exempt I.D. number:ORGANIZATIONAL MISSION AND SOURCES OF SUPPORTWhat is the purpose of your organization, and whom do you serve? *What is the approximate size of your current annual budget? *What are your main sources of support and the percentage of each? *PROPOSED PROJECT AND GOALSProject Title: *Committee for Disability Inclusion Amount Requested: *Please provide a two-sentence summary of the project, its goals, and the number of participants to be served/impacted. *This proposal will be submitted to the Committee for Disability Inclusion. During this funding cycle is your organization also submitting a different proposal to another committee and if so which committee and what is the amount requested? Youth Development Committee Amount Requested:Child and Family Committee Amount Requested:Please write a detailed summary of the project for which you are seeking support. Be specific about the activities and experiences of your program and how your grant will promote inclusion, integration, and community presence for children and youth with disabilities. Also include the outcomes being sought and the data being collected to assess the success of the project. Include the characteristics of participants, both those with and without disabilities, and how they will be selected, including any outreach that will be done. Include a detailed budget breakdown of each category for which Kids Fund monies will be used and other sources/amounts of funding for the project.Detailed Summary of the Project (Text) Visual Text Enter a detailed summary of the project here or upload a summary document belowDetailed Summary of the Project (File Upload) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Submit